Brand New Kaws

Prox Clutch Basket 1994-2002 Kaw Kx125 17.4294f

Prox Clutch Basket 1994-2002 Kaw Kx125 17.4294f
Prox Clutch Basket 1994-2002 Kaw Kx125 17.4294f

Prox Clutch Basket 1994-2002 Kaw Kx125 17.4294f

The vendor part number is 17.4294F. Please read TITLE carefull to know what you are getting because the catalog desccription can be a general description.. ProX Clutch components are made by leading O. Manufacturers from the finest materials.

The high quality and well priced clutch components are chosen by many riders and race teams. ProX offers the complete package to guarantee the best performance!

Prox Clutch Basket 1994-2002 Kaw Kx125 17.4294f